RBC donation backs Enactus Lambton projects
Paul Morden More from Paul Morden Published on: December 14, 2019 | Last Updated: December 16, 2019 12:05 PM EST
Megan Rizzo, a business student at Lambton College who is coordinator of its Enactus group, is shown Friday at the college where RBC donated $100,000 to support the group's community and youth programs. PAUL MORDEN / THE OBSERVERSHAREADJUSTCOMMENTPRINT A $100,000 donation from RBC will help an award-winning student group at Lambton College offer programs at local schools and First Nations across Canada. The gift, announced Friday at the college, will support One Future and One Circle programs run by Enactus Lambton – a 29-member team with the international entrepreneurship-with-a-conscience organization. Megan Rizzo, a business student and co-ordinator of Enactus Lambton, said the funding from RBC will allow the Lambton team to help more communities across Canada through the One Circle program. “We’re working with 15 First Nations, and we’re helping them with developing skills, and entrepreneurship and financial literacy,” Rizzo said. “A big thing is we want to stop that economic leakage – we want to keep growing the economy within that First Nation.” Rob Kardas, a vice-president at Lambton College, speaks Friday at the school where RBC donated $100,000 to support community and youth programs offered by the student group, Enactus Lambton. PAUL MORDEN / THE OBSERVERThe funding announced Friday will allow the program to expand beyond its current work with First Nation communities in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. One Future works with Grade 7, 8 and 12 classes in five schools with the St. Clair Catholic District school board to teach leadership skills while tackling “real-world problems,” Rizzo said. Enactus Lambton has won national and international awards, and has been involved for many years in Project One Seed helping farmers in Zambia. One Circle, a spin-off of the One Seed project, has been gaining “traction” in First Nations where it works with the communities to create programs they need, Rizzo said. Mike Caverly of RBC speaks Friday at the college where the company donated $100,000 to support community and youth programs offered by the student group, Enactus Lambton. PAUL MORDEN / THE OBSERVERAt the Aamjiwnaang First Nation in Sarnia, One Circle offers entrepreneurship workshops with the help of RBC. “We’re helping these entrepreneurs prepare for having their own business,” Rizzo said. What makes the One Circle program unique is “that it is delivered to young people by young people,” Mike Caverly, RBC’s regional vice-president, said. The funding announced Friday is part of a 10-year, $500-million RBC Future Launch initiative to help prepare young Canadians for the changing job market. pmorden@postmedia.com